martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008
16 - End of semester blog (final blog)
Me gusto esta idea porque es una forma distinta, novedosa y práctica de reforzar los elementos de la gramática y la sintaxis del Idioma Inglés. Es una manera diferente de hacer tareas utilizando las herramientas, la tecnología y los medios del futuro. Y... el futuro es hoy.
15 - Book Pg. 92 - Exercise 6A
Bargain - Something on sale for a lower price that its true value.
Bill - A piece of paper showing money owed for something bought.
Credit - A way of paying for goods or services at a later time.
Deposit - Money paid as part of the full price when you've agreed to buy something.
Discount - Rduction in the usual price of something.
Guarantee - A promise that something bought will be repaired or replaced if defective.
Receipt - A piece of paper showing that something has been paid for.
Refund - Money returned to you when you return goods to a store.
14 - Book Pg. 91 - Exercise A
1 - It is possible to stop people from littering? I wonder whether or not it's possible to stop people form littering.
2 - How can we convince people to pick up after their dogs? I'd like to figure out how we can convince people to pick up after their dogs.
3 - Why do motorcycles have to be so loud? Why do motorcycles have to be so loud is a mystry to me.
4 - When are they going to help the homeless people? I'd like to know when they are going to help the homeless people.
5 - How can I help to maintain the city parks? I want to find out how I can help to maintain the city parks.
6 - Would hiring more police help to lower crime? I wonder if hiring more police would help to lower crime.
7 - Why can't the city add more street lights? I don't understand why the city can't add more steet lights.
8 - Why do drivers honk their horns so much? Why drivers honk their horns so much is something I can't understand.
13 - Book Pg. 89 - Exercise B
Last weekend my girlfriend and I arrived at your popular cafeteria looking for a very nice time to spend together. The motto in you window reads "Where your friends are as special as you are". Unfortunately the service that day didn't reflect those words.
As soon as we arrived there we had the chance to sit at a table and we waited for almost half an hour for a waiter to help us. There were not too many people for this to happen but I have to point out that the music was good and this helped us to be patient. However, when we were finally serviced, the waiter spilt a cup of coffee on my brand new jacket. It costed me $15.00 dollars to have it cleaned.
My jacket doesn't look that good anymore. I have never had an experience such as this anywhere. I hope you can understand my complaint because I want you to refund the money for another brand new jacket.
Sincerely yours,
Narno Chavez
12 - Book Pg. 89 - Exercise A
1 - On July 16 my friends and I arrived at our inn hoping to spend an enjoyable weekend. Unfortunately, because of your poor service, our weekend was a disaster. Since your ad says "have a a fabulous time or get your money back", I am requesting that you refund our money.
2 - From the moment we arrived, there were problems with the service. First, a very unfriendly desk clerk couldn't find our reservation. After waiting almost half an hour, we were led by another unfriendly clerk to our room. The room, which had a view of a parking lot instead of the bay, had not yet been cleaned, so we found dirty towels on the beds and cigarette butts in the ashtrays. Despite these problems, none of your employees apologized to us. This was not the weekend we had been looking forward to.
3 - Service at your inn was not always like this. My previous visists were always enjoyable because of the courteous service and clean rooms with beatuiful views. Until things change at your inn, I will never recommend it to anyone. I expect to recieve my refund shortly.
Sincerely yours,
Dale Thomas
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
11 - Book Pg. 69 - Exercise A
My high school years were an incredibly exciting time of my life.
I have notheing but regrets about the time I spent in high school.
When I think about high school, I have both good and bad memories.
When I think about high school, I have both good and bad memories. During high school, the future seemed very far away. Now that I'm older, I think about those days a lot. I remember things that I wish I hadn't done or had done differently. I also remember things I did and would never change.
I have only one regret about the time I spent in high school: I should have taken more advanced classes. For example, I had the opportunity to take an advanced English class, but decided to take the regular class. I made that decision because I didn't want to study too hard. I also wanted to spend more time with my friends. Now I'm in college and have to take a beginning English class. I wish I'd studied harder in high school!
I'm glad that I had an opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. I was a member of the gymnastics team. We practiced every day after school and had competitions on Saturdays. We even won several competitions! My teammates became my good friends. Now I know that extracurricular activities are important because you can learn about responsability, discipline, and teamwork.
Good and bad experiences are a part of everyone's high school years. Is it possible to learn from these experiences? I think it is because even the bad ones help to prepare you for the future.
Very true - good and bad experiences are necesary to value things in life.
10 - Book Pg. 77 - Exercise A
Lucy Gomez is the most creative person I know. She started piano lessons when she was only 6 years old. At school, she was always creating interesting projects in her art class. When she was only 12 years old, she won a citywide poetry contest.
P Now Lucy works as a sitcom writer for a popular TV show. She works with a group of writers, and together they have to think of fresh ideas. They also have to come up with funny dialog for the actors on their show because the actors have to play believable characters that will make the audience laugh. It is not an easy job, but Lucy does it well.
P She starts work late in the morning and often works until 7 or 8 at night.
P Lucy is very curious. She likes to travel and meet new people who have opinions that are different from hers. She often carries a notebook with her and writes down what she sees and hears. Lucy tells me that these new experiences are a good source of ideas for her work. I always enjoy talking to her and am happy to know someone as bright and creative as Lucy.
09 - Book Pg. 61 - Exercise A
4 I reached for my glases, and then remembered I'd left them at home. I couldn't see the object clearly.
9 He said he didn't see a thing.
8 The lifeguard looked through his binoculars.
6 I ran as fast as I could to get the lifeguard.
11 I bought a newspaper. There was an article about dolphins swimming near the shore.
10 I was pretty embarrassed.
1 I was taking a walk on the beach and stopped to look at the waves.
2 I thought I saw something struggling in the water.
12 I read the article. I relized that I had seen a dolphin in the water - not a man!
3 It looked like a man who was having trouble swimming.
13 I never went anywhere without my glasses again.
7 We arrived back at the spot where I had seen the man.
5 A big wave came, and the man was gone.
08 - Book Pg. 49 - Exercise A
Read these three journal entries about the same piece of news. Who do you think wrote each one? Match each writer to the paragraph.
1 - Soo Mi's sister
2 - Soo mi's mother
3 - Soo Mi's friend
Yesterday Soo Mi told me she's decided to go to college in the United States next semester to study fashion design. I've known Soo Mi all my life, and I know this has always been her dream. I remember when we were kids, Soo Mi used to talk about wanting to live in New York so she could get involved in the fashion world. It wasn't just talk either. She's always designed her own clothes. She's so creative. i'm sure she's going to do really well in New York.
3 - Soo Mi's friend
Yesterday Soo Mi said she's going to go to college in the United States. I tried to be happy for her, but as she talked about it, I realized I was actually jealous. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to study abroad. Even though it's always been a dream, I've never done anything about it. Now, if Mom and Dad spend the money to sen Soo Mi abroad, I wonder if they'll have any left to send me away next year. I know I should be happy for Soo Mi, but it's difficult for me.
1 - Soo Mi's sister
Yesterday morning over breakfast, Soo Mi told us she's decided to go to college in the United States next semester. She couldn't have picked a worse moment to tell us, and a bug argument broke out over everything from family expenses to who will do the work she usually does around the house. I felt bad, but it's really true. Not only will everyone have to work harder to pay for her expenses, but her absence is going to cause a lot of additional problems for everyone. I don't think she has thought this through carefully.
2 - Soo Mi's mother
domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008
07 - About Sleep
Sleep is basic human need, as basic as the need for oxygen. Getting a good night's sleep is not the only directly related to how we feel the next day, but to our long-term health as well. Still, many of us suffer from at least occasional insomnia. Even more of us report at leas one night of restless sleep per week that leaves us feeling ill and irritable. This is a serious problem. If you think otherwise, consider this. People who sleep four hours or less per night are twice as likely not to survive in six years as those who sleep the normal eight hours or so.
Sleep is a natural state of bodily rest observed throughout the animal kingdom. It is common to all mammals and birds, and is also seen in many reptiles, amphibians and fish. In humans, other mammals, and a substantial majority of other animals which have been studied such as fish, birds, ants, and fruit-flies. Regular sleep is essential for survival. However, its purposes are only partly clear and are the subject of intense research.
Optimal amount in humans: adults
The optimal amount of sleep is not a meaningful concept unless the timing of that sleep is seen in relation to an individual's circadian rhythms. A person's major sleep episode is relatively inefficient and inadequate when it occurs at the "wrong" time of day. The timing is correct when the following two circadian markers occur after the middle of the sleep episode but before awakening:
1 - Maximum concentration of the hormone melatonin, and
2 - Minimum core body temperature.
The National Sleep Foundation in the United States maintains that eight to nine hours of sleep for adult humans is optimal and that sufficient sleep benefits alertness, memory and problem solving, and overall health, as well as reducing the risk of accidents. A widely publicized 2003 study performed at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine demonstrated that cognitive performance declines with fewer than eight hours of sleep.
However, a University of California, San Diego psychiatry study of more than one million adults found that people who live the longest self-report sleeping for six to seven hours each night. Another study of sleep duration and mortality risk in women showed similar results. Other studies show that "sleeping more than 7 to 8 hours per day has been consistently associated with increased mortality", though this study suggests the cause is probably other factors such as depression and socio-economic status which would correlate statistically. It has been suggested that the correlation between lower sleep hours and reduced morbidity only occurs with those who wake after less sleep naturally, rather than those who use an alarm.
Optimal amount in humans: children
Children need a greater amount of sleep per day than adults to develop and function properly: up to 18 hours for newborn babies, with a declining rate as a child ages. A newborn baby spends almost half of its sleep time in REM sleep (REM-Rapid Eye Movement). By the age of five or so, only a bit over two hours are spent in REM.
Amount of sleep for optimal perfomance:
Newborn => Up to 18 hours
1 - 12 months => 14 to 18 hours
1 - 3 years => 12 to 18 hours
3 - 5 years => 11 to 13 hours
5 - 12 years => 9 to 11 hours
Adolescents => 9 to 10 hours
Adults, including elderly => 7 to 8 (or more) hours
Pregnent women => 8 (or more) hours
According to this information, I should sleep 7 to 8 hours. Something almost imposible for me to do most of the time because of my everyday "activities". I'll try to "make up" for lost sleep later although I know it doesn't work that way. Circadian markers don't adjust properly when trying to "make up" for lost sleep, but the idea of "making up" for lost sleep is just a fallacy that renders hope...
fallacy - Erroneous reasoning that has the appearance of soundness.
martes, 21 de octubre de 2008
05 - Book - Pg. 31
Complete these statements with the information that is true for you. Then complete information with a partner. Ask and answer follow-up questions.
1. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth.
2. Whenever I have trouble concentrating on something, I take a 10 minute break.
3. While working on a very difficult task, I try to concentrate on what I’m doing and
keep away from distractions.
4. After I’ve stayed out too late in the evening, I wake up late in the morning.
5. I become really exhausted whenever I do hard physical work.
6. I can never concentrate after a heavy meal.
7. I don’t feel awake in the morning until I wash my face.
8. I think it’s a good idea to take a short nap whenever I feel sleepy and have to do some
A: As soon as I wake up in the morning, I go running in the park.
B: Really? Don’t you eat anything before you go out?
More or less energy?
Exercise A
Which activities do you think raise your energy level? Which activities lower it? Put the activities in the chart, and then add other ideas of you own.
Doing vigorous exercise Having an argument Taking a brisk walk
Drinking strong coffee Playing video games Taking a cold shower
Eating a chocolate bar Sleeping late in the morning Taking a hot bath
Eating a large meal Taking an afternoon nap Watching television
Activities that raise energy levels Activities that lower energy levels
Doing vigorous exercise Raise energy levels
Sleeping late in the morning Lowers energy levels
Drinking strong coffee Raise energy levels
Taking an afternoon nap Raise energy levels
Eating a chocolate bar Raise energy levels
Taking a hot bath Lowers energy levels
Having an argument Raises energy levels (very much)
Watching television Lowers energy levels
Playing video games Raises energy levels
Eating a large meal Lowers energy levels
Taking a brisk walk Raises energy levels
Taking a cold shower Raises energy levels
martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008
04 - P-51 Mustang

Role: Fighter
Manufacturer: North American Aviation
First flight: 26 October 1940
Introduction: 1942
Retired: 1957, U.S. Air National Guard
Primary users: United States Army Air Forces and Royal Air Force
Number built: 15,875
Unit cost: US$50,985 in 1945
Variants: A-36 Apache, F-82 Twin Mustang, Cavalier Mustang, Piper PA-48 Enforcer and Mustang X.

First flight (XP-51): May 20, 1941
Wingspan: 37 feet
Wing area: 233 square feet
Length: 32 feet
Horizontal stabilizer span: 13 feet
Height: 8 feet 8 inches
Power plant: Packard V-1650 "Merlin" 1,695-hp V-12
Speed: 425 mph indicated (490 mph in P-51H).
Landing gear: Hydraulically operated retractable main gear and tail wheel
Propeller: Hamilton Standard, four-blade, hydraulic, constant speed, 11 feet 2 inches, non-feathering.
Radar: Warning radar in tail to signal approach of other craft from rear (later models)
Armament: (Various models) 10 "zero rail" rockets under wings; six .50-caliber machine guns; bomb racks for up to 1,000 pounds of stores or extra fuel tanks under the wings.

One of the highest honors accorded to the Mustang was its rating in 1944 by the Truman Senate War Investigating Committee as "the most aerodynamically perfect pursuit plane in existence."
The North American prototype, NA-73X, was first flown on Oct. 25, 1940. At least eight versions of the P-51 were produced. Data given below is for the P-51D, produced late in 1943. Numerous improvements for special-purpose uses were incorporated in later models.
P-51D Specifications:
First flight (XP-51): May 20, 1941
Wingspan: 7 feet
Wing area: 233 square feet
Length: 32 feet
Horizontal stabilizer span: 13 feet
Height: 8 feet 8 inches
Power plant: Packard V-1650 "Merlin" 1,695-hp V-12
Speed: 425 mph indicated (490 mph in P-51H)
Landing gear: Hydraulically operated retractable main gear and tail wheel
Propeller: Hamilton Standard, four-blade, hydraulic, constant speed, 11 feet 2 inches, non-feathering
Radar: Warning radar in tail to signal approach of other craft from rear (later models)
Armament: (Various models) 10 "zero rail" rockets under wings; six .50-caliber machine guns; bomb racks for up to 1,000 pounds of stores or extra fuel tanks under the wings
lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008
03 - City Description: Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

Note: Web links included for more information.
Sturgeon Bay, my mother's native town, is a city in and the county seat (main city) of Door County, Wisconsin, United States ( The population was 9,437 at the 2000 census. It is located at the natural end of Sturgeon Bay (the name of the bay itself), although a canal was built across the remainder of the Door Peninsula (

The City of Sturgeon Bay is located approximately 45 miles northeast of Green Bay. Sturgeon Bay is known for its high quality of life, traditional downtown, maritime industries, aquatic resources and recreational opportunities, and tourism amenities. Sturgeon Bay was officially incorporated on April 7, 1883 and is the county seat.
Sturgeon Bay now has population of 9,763. The City covers approximately 4,000 acres with 80 miles of streets and 11 parks. This area compasses three different school districts which include Sturgeon Bay, Sevastopol, and Southern Door School Districts.
In an effort to encourage and enable Sturgeon Bay's children to safely walk and bike to school, Sturgeon Bay has begun the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Planning Process. The success of the SRTS plan relies on community support and participation. (Mr. Cabrales, as you can see this city still has tradition and values!)
Sturgeon Bay is located at 44°49′56″N, 87°22′19″W (Map Sources/GeoHack).
According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 11.3 square miles (29.3 km²), of which, 9.6 square miles (24.9 km²) of it is land and 1.7 square miles (4.4 km²) of it (14.94%) is water.
The City’s organization consists of five departments including a full time Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, Community Development, and Administration. Each department assists the public in a variety of ways by offering different functions and services. In addition to Police and Fire protection, City services include administration, finance, planning and zoning, real estate assessment, building inspection, street maintenance, snow removal, garbage and recycling, park and recreation, and water weed management.
domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008
02 - Aviation Pioneers - Sir Geoge Cayley & Otto Lilenthal (Part 1)

Cautious experimenters tested their ideas with powered models, while the more daring tried the dangers of gliding flight. Their successes and their failures helped move human beings toward what some considered impossible and others considered inevitable – piloted, powered flight!

Monoplane is aircraft with only one main wing.

Biplanes have two main wings, normally one above the other usually found in older aircraft.
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008
01 - History of Flight

I have always been interested in flight; aerodynamics, it’s principles, how to overcome gravity, how to get and sustain altitude and speed against natural forces…, anything related with flight. Especially the “flying machine” itself; aircraft, also called airplane.
When young, I used to fly gas powered model airplanes (using .049 cc and .15 cc engines, burning Nitro-Methane and Methanol based fuel) which gave me an insight to understand the principles and laws of flight.
Back in 1983 I joined the United States Air Force (USAF), passed through BMTS (Basic Military Training School) in Lackland Air Force Base under the Air Trainig Command, transferred to Chanute Air Force Base in Rantoul, Illinois for my specialized instruction and graduated as an Aircraft Electrical Systems Specialist. My job: preventive and corrective maintenance on all of the electric circuits in airborne vehicles.
So, I figured I’d write about flight and the vehicles usually used for this purpose. The Prehistory of Flight
Human beings have always wanted to fly. Evidence of our ancient desire to be able to fly can be found in our earliest legends of winged gods and heroes (Greek mythology: Daedalus and Icarus, flying horses and magic carpets. Then there are the tales of real human beings who were carried aloft by kites or who tried to fly with wings they designed. Usually these attempts were accompanied with broken bones or… worse.
The hot air balloon
When flight finally did arrive, it came in an unexpected way. It had absolutely nothing to do with wings. The invention of the balloon created excitement throughout Europe and America.
Although the balloon would be used for science and military purposes, it could only travel where the wind blew it. The old dream of flight with wings still remained.